Are you interested in making a donation to Coast Life Support District?
How will my donation make a difference?
Donations will be used for specific items or programs. For example, donated funds will be directed toward paramedic training for some of our existing emergency medical technicians (EMTs). This program allows CLSD to provide upward mobility for our existing staff. Another way donations will be used is to pay for new equipment that does not currently fit into our budget, such as hydraulic lift gurneys that will reduce medic injuries while transporting patients.
If you want your donation to target a particular item, please contact the District Administrator at (707) 884-1829 x 3 or by email.
Why does CLSD need donations? Isn’t it funded by taxpayer dollars?
Coast Life Support District is only partially funded by tax assessments on all properties within the District boundaries. The remaining funds come from ambulance service billings to patients and their medical insurance companies. CLSD is not a for-profit agency. The District Administrator and Board of Directors strive to keep costs low while providing world class ambulance services. Tax assessments are kept as low as possible to reduce the financial burden on taxpayers. Ambulance service billings are set to be competitive with other ambulance companies and also to be within range of what patients can realistically pay after their insurance is billed. The budget is built around long-term planning and maintenance of our facilities and equipment with little room for all the new technological upgrades that are available in the Emergency Medical Services industry. Many of these upgrades will become standard in time but they are often too expensive to justify as a burden to taxpayers as new releases.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, your donation to Coast Life Support District is tax deductible. You will be issued a donation letter that you can use when you file your taxes. Please be sure to discuss any donation with your tax advisor before making a donation.
How can I make a donation?
Your donation can be made in one of the following ways:
- Mailing a check to Coast Life Support District at PO Box 1056, Gualala, CA 95445-1056. Please indicate “donation” in the memo line.
- Charging it to your credit card by calling headquarters at 707-884-1829 x 3.